Why Dogs Sniff People Private Parts?

Sniffer dogs are the most impressive things and have proven to be very pure for this world. If you experience this, you know it's not normal. Anyway, there's a reasonable explanation, and no, it's not because they're trying to get to power.

Like others, including ourselves, we consider. why do dogs smell our secret parts?

How do I move the dog?

Dog language can be very fickle on our own and it will take a solid investment and commitment to understand it. However, there is one important thing to know: puppies have a very keen sense of smell. So basically they use this understanding to know their current situation and collect information.

Dogs, like most warm-blooded creatures, have structures called apocrine sweat organs, but they are scattered throughout the body with greater contiguity in the genitals and buttocks.

These organs produce contaminants that meet the crucial threshold for passing on social information. These substances are known as pheromones and this allows a dog to get a lot of information about other small dogs: sex, age, sexual tendencies and range, for example if they are hot.

This is the explanation that dogs sniff the pubic area to get data about the other.

The justification behind the sniffing dog's private property

Just like a dog sniffs our genitals, it's basically to secure data from us, just like any other dog. The problem is that we are surprised that dogs speak to individuals in canine language and expect other more sophisticated forms of communication to be impossible.

Humans also have apocrine sweat organs, but they do not flow throughout the body, but are accessible in the armpits and groin. So a dog that needs data from us is usually close to our groin to see our closest part.

These clues are very common when dogs don't know anything about a person, but also quite routine when they do know someone because when they sniff our crotch they are trying to understand who we are! In a sober person, this hint can be interpreted as a warm welcome.

The right to access individual private data is conspicuously supplemented by cases:

  • People who have recently had sex
  • Vaginal discharge in women.
  • Women who have fathered offspring and are breastfeeding
  • Women who are ovulating (here this direct supplement is very different)
  • Dogs can tell a lot about people through their unique noses.

What to do if a dog sniffs your crotch?

Despite the way in which these clues may be anomalous, it must be frankly stated that, in a way, it's not the most sensible and healthy thing to do. To intervene is to prevent your dog from using his normal language, this neutralizing activity would be barbaric.

To make sure that your dog is doing well and that your relationship has essentially changed as much as expected given the current situation, don't try to sidestep these common clues and make your pet feel more connected and confident. around people.