What does my dog do when I'm not home?

What does your dog do when you're not home?


   Most dogs spend a good portion of their time catching a nap when you're not home. To keep your pet entertained, he'll likely find a comfortable place to cuddle up and take a nap. If you go for a longer period of time, your pet may take a few naps.

Dogs are known to sleep for half (or more) of the day, with puppies and older dogs needing extra sleep to "recharge their batteries".


After a nice nap, your pet is probably ready to play. But what do dogs do when they're away from home when it comes to play? Some pets play with the toys you leave for them, so make sure they have access to different toys to stimulate their minds. If you have other pets in the house, they can play together.

To eat

While many dogs are willing to eat foods that hurt them and leave food in their food bowls, some dogs may wait to eat after you leave or eat small portions at a time throughout the day. For dogs, make sure you are still giving them the correct amount. Dogs that can't seem to eat their own food may have a condition that prevents them from feeling hungry. Talk to your vet if you're concerned about your dog's eating habits.


Do you have a rule against dogs getting on your bed? If so, you may want to check for fur in the comforter. When you're not home, your pet may be doing exactly what he knows is against the rules when you're around. This means jumping over counters, eating snacks in the pantry, or even worse - eating out of your cat's litter box.

The guard

Your dog protects your home from intruders when you're not home - or at least they think so. While not all dogs have a protective mindset, some dogs will guard a window or door and bark when they hear signs of a potential intruder. Although the "intruder" in question could be the postman or your neighbor. If you regularly hear your dog barking when you arrive or notice that the blinds tend to move, it's a good sign that your dog is alert while you're gone.


While not all dogs fall into this category, some pets break things in your house when you're not around. This often happens in dogs that are anxious or in puppies that have not yet been trained. You can target dogs that pretend to chew on your shoes or furniture, so if you come home to find items destroyed, talk to an animal behaviorist or sign up for obedience training for your pet.

See for yourself

Still not sure what your dog does during the day? With advancements in pet technology, pet cameras are making it easier and easier to find out exactly what your dog is doing during the day. Some are simple cameras that allow you to monitor your home and your dog during the day, but there are more pet cameras. Some let you socialize with your dog, others let you hand out treats when they're good, and some come with ways to interact with your dog so you know they're getting it while playing. If your dog is allowed to roam freely around your home, it can be difficult to know what he's doing all the time unless you have a camera in every room of the house.

Now that you know what dogs do when you're not home, you can be sure to keep your pet entertained while you're away. Remember, it is never a good idea to leave your dog home alone for long periods of time. If you're going to be away for a while, make sure there's a sitter to feed them, take them out to relieve themselves, and help them get the exercise and mental stimulation they need.