All good dog breeds are essential. In this list of 10 dog breeds, we look at all types of puppies from small to large. We picked favorites for their demeanor and ease of training, as well as their cuddly, adorable items. But just to be clear, we love all the breeds now holding your leash. What are the 10 most popular dogs ?

1- Labrador Retrievers

Lab friendly and can be yellow, brown or black. These are all one breed of dog and can be found in a single litter known as companions around the world. Labrador Retrievers also seek help in the world of hunting, security and law enforcement. This affectionate dog is also used as a guide and companion dog.

2- German Shepherd

He is perhaps best known as the German Shepherd. It was known as the Alsace Wolfhound for most of the 20th century and was developed around 1899. The German Shepherd is often used as a lookout in the military, rescue and search teams, and police services and is a highly skilled representative canine.

3- Golden Retriever Dog

Patient, loyal, charming and easy to train, the Golden Retriever is a great choice for a family or childhood friend. He was in the late 1800's in pursuit of a hound that would do well in the field. It's great fun swimming in the water; It is perfect for drug control, rescue operations, search and services for the disabled community.

4- Beagle

This species can be found in a variety of colors from lemon to black, white, red, and orange. The Beagle was recorded in ancient Greece and is even found in Shakespeare's Daisy. Of course, the modern beagle can be traced back to the 1830s when the Rev. Philip Honey was created. The Beagle was praised for its hunting skills in early modern times in the past, and is currently valued as a police dog for its excellent sense of smell.

5- Bulldog

Even very high standards of beauty are like a good night's sleep. You have to sleep for a month, you really are a typical dog whether you are French, British or American. Bulldogs date back to the 15th century AD, but the breed as we know it didn't appear until the old English bulldog mixed with the pug. That's not going to work honey, that look isn't going to work with him now considered one of England's national animals. In the past, greyhounds were bred and used for bull sport rather than bull fighting. Today, bulldogs thrive on attention and are an affectionate breed.

6- Yorkshire terrier Dog

He is one of the cutest and smallest people but very brave and loyal. The Yorkshire Terrier is the protector of his adoptive family and can effectively dominate the home if he is allowed the good company he is known for by his long, silky hair. Descended from the Sky Terrier and Paisley, the Yorkie was literally bred to be a rat catcher in northern England which was used in garment factories and mines. It may have a large bark but not much to support it. He is small but still a house dog, while the Yorkie is very happy as a house dog. This breed makes an excellent watchdog due to its suspicious behavior towards strangers. He loves to tease and mess with other dogs who are bigger than him, so keep a leash handy.

7- boxer Dog

Boxer looks like a 3 year old, and even three normal hairy babies. Originally bred and intended for hunting bulls, fighting dogs and even drafts, the Boxer is a very happy breed and likes breeds that are intelligent and quick to learn, and petting this cat is a pleasure for any dog to watch. He's content, you really know he adapts to most of the emotions, because he's relaxed and playing well. He probably has a good relationship with cats due to his dislike of birds. The breed's name probably comes from its hunting-like fist. Indeed, in his native Germany, the debate over this figure left John and his boxers speechless.

8- Siberian Husky

This dog was originally bred in Russia to be one of the strongest working dog breeds. These large wolf-like dogs are very friendly and very easy to eat, intelligent and very easy to train. Huskies are fun with children and rarely emit their trademark whimper, but they make a vulnerable guard dog breed. He loves people very much, and is known for his icy blue eyes. Siberian Huskies can also have yellow or brown eyes and can have brown and blue eyes. Meanwhile, its coat can be white, black, red, silvery gray, or brown and stays warm at minus 75 degrees Fahrenheit.

9- English Cocker Spaniel

It has been a staple of the arts in some form for almost half a century and was first valued as a high quality hunting dog in both wet and dry conditions. The cocker spaniel was designed to hunt game birds especially one of the game birds named Woodcock because the name comes from the cocker spaniel. The English Cocker Spaniel's fun and playful personality has made him popular as a welcome member of many families today. We definitely think Prince George is cute in his image. But one of our favorite bits is Lobo's spaniel family as the kids' best friend as he hunts down the Woodcock spaniel. Its intelligent nature also allows it to be used regularly as a police dog in Cuban airports. In general, a spaniel makes a good family pet if purchased from a reputable breeder.

10- Saint Bernard

Called Kujo despite appearing well in Kujo (horror film) based on Stephen King's novel. The Saint Bernard is a large animal with a friendly nature, but his true personality is perhaps best described as a family-friendly geek named Beethoven for the better.

Kojo's roots go back to 980 AD. while he did not carry a barrel of brandy with him. It was actually created for life and alpine rescue work. It was on the verge of extinction due to the harsh winters of the early 1800's, but was happily bred with Newfoundland dogs to thrive.