Causes of lemon poisoning in dogs

Learn about the origins, symptoms, and treatments for canine lemon poisoning.

Causes of lemon poisoning in dogs

Lemon is one of the well-known food and beverage additives in the human world, but it can pose a great danger to pets, especially dogs, as it contains an oil that is toxic to dogs if given to them in large quantities, and results in rather serious symptoms.

So what are the most typical signs of canine lemon poisoning?

  1. blood pressure drop
  2. sensitivity to light
  3. Skin rash or skin irritation
  4. shaking
  5. vomit
  6. Weakness and lethargy
Continue reading to discover more about lemon poisoning in dogs, including its causes, signs, symptoms, and possible treatments.

Causes of lemon poisoning in dogs

Since lemons are citrus plants that contain the essential oils limonene and linalool, as well as the phototoxic compound psoralen, therein lies the toxicity and danger of lemons.

limonene oil

Terpene oil is produced in all citrus fruits and is a major component of the various citrus scents we know as humans, and is often used in cosmetics, flavoring compounds and cleaning products.

In certain doses, it is harmless, but if given to dogs in large numbers, it can poison them. It is also frequently used in dog shampoos and scents.

linalool oil

This oil is also a major cause of lemon odor and is often used as an insecticide in soaps and lotions as fragrance, and giving it to dogs through lemon can help them poison them.

psoralen compound

While a substance present in many plants, including citrus fruits like lemons and limes, is used to treat skin conditions, giving it to dogs can result in excessive amounts.

Symptoms of lemon poisoning in dogs

Azwak 6 Lemon poisoning in dogs: Learn about causes, symptoms and treatment methods 1 Lemon poisoning in dogs: Learn about causes, symptoms and treatment methods

You should take your dog to the doctor as soon as you discover any or all of these clear signs and symptoms of lemon poisoning in your dog. of these symptoms, which we will mention to you in the following points.

  1. cold extremities
  2. Destruction and depression
  3. Diarrhea
  4. Excessive saliva
  5. Feeling weak and lethargic
  6. Low blood pressure
  7. sensitivity to light
  8. Skin rash or skin irritation
  9. shaking
  10. vomit

How to treat lemon poisoning in dogs

If the dog vomits, it is caused by inhaling the oil into the lungs which can be dangerous. Here, gastric irrigation will be performed to allow the dog to remove as much of the poison from the digestive system as possible, and then activated charcoal.will be administered to stop the hazardous substance from entering the bloodstream any further.

Generally, there is no antidote to psoralen or essential oils, so treatment is generally supportive beyond decontamination, where treatment may include giving the dog intravenous fluids to prevent dehydration as as well as a combination of carbohydrates and electrolytes to correct for any potential imbalances.

If your dog is having difficulty breathing, oxygen will be given to him, and anti-seizure medication may be given if the chills become severe and dangerous, and for this reason To avoid endangering your dog's life, you should begin treatment as soon as symptoms show up.

If your dog has been exposed to citrus plant oils directly and not through food, here you should wash the affected areas of the skin using a mild soap on the dog's skin and clean water and ensure that the dog does not lick these parts of his body.

What Does Your Vet Recommend After Treating Lemon Poisoning in Dogs?

Your veterinarian will likely recommend regular monitoring of your dog's blood chemistry levels after exposure to lemon poisoning, especially with regard to liver and kidney function, as often this particular cause has a significant impact on these functions.

Can dogs drink lemonade?

The answer is no, juice is considered to be the most dangerous type due to the added sugar and high concentration, all of which will be difficult for your dog to digest and can cause weight problems.

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